Travel insurance
Travel Insurance Mapping- Journeys
Protection and Assistance Insurance
Passengers traveling on any of the programs included in this catalog enjoy Protection and Assistance Insurance signed by Mapping- Journeys with the MAPFRE Insurance Company with the following coverage.
The Mapping- Journeysrepresentative may issue you proof of your insurance policy once the program reservation has been made and the corresponding deposit has been made:
- Transportation or medical repatriation in the event of illness or accident of the displaced Insured, to an adequately equipped health center or to their country or place of habitual residence.
- Medical assistance (hospitalization expenses, surgical interventions, medical fees, nursing expenses and pharmaceutical products) in the event of illness or accident of the Insured traveling abroad (up to €100,000 maximum).
- Travel and accommodation of a person accompanying the hospitalized Insured in case of illness or accident (resident in the country or place of habitual residence of the Insured at the latter's choice). Travel to the place of hospitalization (round trip) and stay of the family member (up to €600 / Maximum ten days)
- Extension of the stay of the displaced Insured, in the event of illness or accident and always by medical prescription (up to €600 / maximum ten days).
- Transportation or repatriation of the deceased Insured and movement of an accompanying person (resident in the country or place of habitual residence of the Insured) who accompanies the body, to the place of burial, cremation or funeral ceremony in their country of habitual residence.
- Indemnización en caso de pérdida, robo o destrucción total o parcial por el conjunto del equipaje y efectos personales facturados, durante el transporte realizado por la compañía transportista (hasta 300 € máximo).
- Compensation in case of loss, theft or total or partial destruction of all checked luggage and personal effects, during transport carried out by the transport company (up to €300 maximum).
- Location and transportation of lost luggage by the transport company. Compensation for death or permanent disability as a result of an accident in the means of transport (up to €30,000).
Travel Assistance Insurance Policies
General Conditions of Travel Assistance Insurance
The Segurviaje Travel Assistance Insurance Policy includes the following information:
- Preliminary.
- Definitions.
- Purpose and Extension of Insurance.
- Travel Assistance Coverage.
- Coverage of trip cancellation and interruption expenses.
- Personal accident coverage.
- Civil liability coverage.
- Legal assistance coverage.
- Computer assistance coverage.
- (Insurance Compensation Consortium).
- General exclusions to all coverage.
- Insurance Bases.
- Perfection and duration of the insurance.
- Amount of premiums, payment and effect of non-payment.
- Risk modifications.
- Casualties.
- Surrogacy.
- Communications.
- Insurance concurrence.
- Prescription and jurisdiction.
- Additional clauses.
Seguro Básico
Basic Insurance Summary of Guarantees of Policy No. 698/72 contracted by Mapping- Journeys .This summary of guarantees is for information purposes, and does not replace the General Conditions of the Policy, which will prevail in the event of a discrepancy.
Optional Insurance
Summary of Guarantees of Policy No. 698 / 107 contracted by Mapaplus.
This summary of guarantees is for information purposes, and does not replace the General Conditions of the Policy, which will prevail in the event of a discrepancy.